While searching for information about my father, I noticed that history has almost repeated itself in areas of my own life.
I found out that he left school before sixth form due to his stammer, as staying would have required reading in front of the school. I never thought of my father ever having a stammer or being shy, like myself. He was such a confident and friendly person, the complete opposite to what he sounded like when he was younger.
He went straight into a job before going to Coleg Harlech, an adult education college, at around the age of 22/23. I remember he told me that while he was studying there a part of the college burnt down. A few years ago I found photographs of the burning building, seemingly the only photographs I could find that he took at that age. He then went to Bristol University to study Law. However, he left due to eyesight problems and began working in Cardiff.
After I graduated from university, I too travelled to Bristol, but to work. I left a few months later as I hated the type of job it became, and found a job I enjoyed in Cardiff.
I only recently found out about my father travelling to Bristol when he was in his twenties, but it's so similar to my story.